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LLC «Aksi Shifo»

Clinic "Aksi Shifo" - is a modern multidisciplinary medical institution providing consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic assistance in the city of Bokhtar, Republic of Tajikistan. 

We use exclusive medical technologies in medical diagnostic work: the most effective methods, which have been tested in Russia for many years, as well as the latest achievements of the world medical science, which have proved their effectiveness and safety. We make them affordable for our patients.

The work of our network of clinics is built on a system of fundamentally new approaches that are successfully implemented in the West: the most modern equipment and specialists able to make full use of its potential; Maximum use of high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment; High quality of consumables, ensuring the best result; Expansion of outpatient treatment options; A clear organization of the clinic's work, guaranteeing the absence of queues even for the most popular services, as well as efficiency and comfort of service.

We offer our patients individual, family and corporate annual services, a flexible system of discounts and always a welcome reception for every patient! We work with individuals and organizations, including voluntary medical insurance.


Health - the main wealth of man!


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